Are you on Top of your Data Flows?

Are you on Top of your Data Flows?

A bill currently before the Australian Federal Parliament, if passed will dramatically increase penalties for any breach of the Privacy Act, as well as increasing powers of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

To prepare, we recommend:

  1. Awareness: A review of your cyber and privacy risks to develop/update a strategy;
  2. Action Plan: An action plan of what to do if there’s a breach (whether cyber incident or loss
    of personal information, or both), including your responsibilities to inform regulatory/supervisory authorities (including under multiple jurisdictions) under short time windows;
  3. Contract Risk Allocation: Contract reviews to ensure parties receiving your data step up to their responsibilities;
  4. Implementation of controls: Regular reviews to ensure that only those parties who need to are receiving your data;
  5. Ongoing data management: Implementing safeguards to protect information assets, including risk assessments, controls, education, audits and reporting.

We are experts in privacy, cyber-security, and info-sec. Get in touch if you need our support.

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