UK Government vs Tech Titans: The Clash Over AI Regulations

UK Government vs Tech Titans: The Clash Over AI Regulations

Biztech's Head of UK and Senior Managing Lawyer, Alison Berryman, has written a short article on Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the European Financial Review. In her piece, Alison examines the UK government's blueprint for regulating AI and the concerns that surround the fast-growing technology.

What's in the article?

While AI is expected to have a profound impact on our daily lives, its potential risks and negative consequences are also on the rise. Tech industry leaders, including Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak, have called for a pause on unregulated AI experiments, citing concerns about the technology's potential dangers.

Alison raises important questions about AI's prioritization of human safety, its ability to evolve beyond human control, and the accountability for its mistakes. She also notes the time and cost implications that AI regulation will have on technology creators.

To read the full article visit the European Financial Review website. 

Interested in learning more about AI regulation and its potential impact? Biztech Lawyers is a multi-award-winning law firm, known for fuelling and protecting tech innovation worldwide. Get in touch now to see how we can help.

Alison Berryman

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