Flipping Up to the US from Australia: A Comprehensive Guide

Redomiciliation & Business Flipups

In recent years, there has been a growing trend among Australian tech businesses flipping up to the United States. The reasons for this move are varied, but one thing is clear – the US is the world’s largest economy and offers a wealth of opportunities for businesses looking to expand their reach.  From access to […]

5 minutes with Senior Technology Lawyer Julie Arrington

Julie Arrington | Specialist Corporate Technology Lawyer | Biztech Lawyers

Here at Biztech Lawyers, we are a team of technology lawyers who assist tech businesses with all their commercial legal needs. But, we are also a team of individuals with a diverse range of skills that we bring to the table. So today we’d like to share a little about Julie, Senior Associate at Biztech […]

Global Cross-Market Services in Biztech Lawyers US Expansion

AU US Expansion

We are pleased to announce our merger with prominent US law firm, Spillman&Partners.  It has been our vision from day one, and we are excited to bring this new cross market offering to our clients. This alliance formally brings together our two practices that have already complemented each other on joint representations for cross-border transactions […]

5 Minutes with Biztech Lawyers Counsel Yehuda Orelowitz

Yehuda Orelowitz | Specialist Corporate Technology Lawyer | Biztech Lawyers

Here at Biztech Lawyers, we are a team of technology lawyers who assist tech businesses with all their commercial legal needs. But, we are also a team of individuals with a diverse range of skills that we bring to the table.  So today we’d like to share a little about Yehuda, Special Counsel at Biztech […]

Agile Projects and Contracting for Startups

Thank you

Agile methods Businesses must be flexible, adaptable and dynamic in order to thrive. Contracting processes – from contract establishment to ongoing contract management – can play a big role in whether this is achieved. And given the relationship-dependent nature of contracting, finding harmony with contracting partners is critical to long-term success.  Aligning contracting methods to […]

The Legal Guide to Media Interviews

Media Interview Guide

Tips for dealing with the Media Media interviews will play a vital role in your business’s portrayal to the public – how you or your colleagues come across in an interview will determine how you are perceived. Partaking in media interviews will help build the profile of a business and its products and services, which […]

Startup Lawyer Insights: Managing Redundancies

Managing Redundancy

A start-up lawyer’s user-friendly guide to managing redundancies In the business and technology world, takeovers, mergers and insolvencies are all too common. As a result, entrepreneurs and business owners may be faced with managing staff redundancies. These processes are never fun for anyone, and always come at a human cost.   For these reasons, it is […]

How to Manage Employee Underperformance

About business and technology lawyers

Managers in the tech sector, like any other, sometimes need to address underperformance by company employees, or members of their team.  Reasons for employee underperformance can be complex and varied, but left unchecked, poor performance by employees can erode office morale and team dynamics; which is likely to impact adversely on your business’ standing – […]