Global Data & Privacy Lawyers

Does your business comply with global data and privacy regulations?


The laws relating to Data Protection, Privacy, Information Security (InfoSec) and Cybersecurity are changing fast – there seems to be news every day about a new rule that businesses need to follow!  GDPR (and the UK equivalent), the Australian Privacy Act, the US federal regulations like HIPAA, COPPA, RFPA, GLBA, FCRA or NIST (for cybersecurity and, soon, AI related tech) and States legal frameworks like the CCPA or the CPRA.

Furthermore, applying these detailed regulations to innovative technologies can be a huge headache for a scaling business – even big corporations often struggle. 

There are significant risks in failing to comply.  Millions of Dollars/Pounds/Euros worth of fines have been issued to date, and there is inevitably reputational damage when businesses are discovered to be misusing data, or when data breaches occur.

Our data protection and privacy specialist lawyers keep up to date with the relevant legislation in the key territories where our clients operate.  We understand the challenges of trying to balance regulatory compliance with running a business – as a scaling global business, we are navigating these challenges ourselves!

We can help with all of the following:

We routinely work with organizations going through different stages of Privacy work, and we always emphasize the importance of creating strong cultural foundations for companies to understand how, why, where, and what they process data for. Our team of business savvy privacy experts can help you strategize and implement different plans and procedures so that everyone understands the basics of what your company is trying to do, and have clear guidelines for doubtful times.

Our lawyers can help you comply with the data protection and privacy laws in the key jurisdictions where you’re looking to do business – and this will often include territories where you’re trying to sell, as well as where you business is based. Whether you need a quick answer to a complicated privacy question, or a full data audit to assess compliance across the business or group, we can help.

Even with the best preparation, breaches occasionally happen….  And, when they do, our lawyers can guide you through the legal and regulatory requirements for notification, investigation, and remediation.

Our team can advise you on the legal requirements for transferring personal data across international borders (including using data processors located overseas). Whether you need us to check the documentation you have been provided with, to help you conduct impact assessments, or you just need general advice on the legality of a transfer – we’ve got you covered.

Privacy policies (or privacy notices or statements, as they are often called), “records of processing activities” (ROPA), data processing agreements, impact assessments… the world of data protection and privacy requires a LOT of documentation. We can help you identify what you need and prepare it for you. We can also review your existing documents and ensure that they are up-to-date with the latest legal developments.

We can advise you on specific regulations that apply to your industry, and more generally on what is considered “normal” in your sector. We can make introductions to InfoSec and Cybersecurity specialists in your area, if additional technical help is needed.

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