10 Key Elements of Cybersecurity Explained

Entrepreneurs have to consider a range of matters when starting a new business, from finding suitable premises to recruiting staff. You may find it challenging at times to keep up with everything as you try to get it all settled.  Whatever else you are doing, one thing you should not overlook is cybersecurity.  Cybersecurity and […]

A Comprehensive Guide to Contract Management

Private sector businesses are always facing increasing pressure to reduce costs and improve financial and operational performance.  Crucial to achieving this goal is ensuring that your business has effective contract management processes in place to optimise profitability and minimise risk. (Check out our guide on how to draft bulletproof commercial contracts here.) Effective contract management […]

10 Things You Need to Know About Intellectual Property

We look at some common intellectual property FAQs we get asked all the time on Copyright, Trademarks, Patents and Trade Secrets. 1. What is Intellectual Property? Put simply, Intellectual property (“IP”) is an umbrella term for creations or works in various formats that are produced through human intellect. Intellectual property rights gives the creators rights […]

Copyright Concerns: Frequently Asked Questions


1. What is copyright? Copyright is a category of intellectual property that is best described as intangible property created by human intellect. Copyright specifically protects original works of authorship like artistic, dramatic, musical, and literary works. Examples are movies, poetry, music, novels, sculptures, paintings, architectural works, computer programs, advertisements, maps, technical drawings, and sound recordings.  […]

“We Don’t Have a Contract” and Other Legal Misconceptions

Everyday, we make multiple business decisions in the ordinary course of our day. We negotiate costs, sign up clients, and deal with our suppliers. In most circumstances things go off without a hitch. Particularly in frothy economic times, minor bumps in the road are easily resolved, and life goes on.  Other times, a decision that […]

What is Arbitration? And Why Does it Matter to Startups?

Let’s face it: no startup founder wants a legal dispute hindering the growth of a new company. But the reality is these disputes come up more often, and in more forms, than you might think.  If a conflict does arise between businesses who have a contract for goods or services, the contract will usually specify […]

From Profit to Cost-Centre: The In-House Counsel Transition

becoming an in-house counsel

So you’ve decided to make the leap to in-house counsel, from schmoozing clients to becoming the client.  You’re ready to tackle a career with hopefully more sociable hours and less billable hours.  And now you find yourself in an entirely different planet, where you are merely just another costs – centre to the business. Working […]