Legal Cheat Sheet for International Data Protection

International Data Protection – Cheat Sheet by ALISON BERRYMAN, ANDREW TRUSWELL AND FRANCISCO MORAN WITH THE ASSITANCE OF CASPER XIAO Data protection can be a complex issue, particularly when it involves multiple jurisdictions. Our team of data lawyers in the US, AU, and UK/EU have been collaborating to develop a unified approach for our global […]

5 Global Privacy Principles Tech Companies Should Know

global data and privacy lawyers

Even the simplest transactions use data to make customer tailored offers. These structures are made up of one of the most valuable assets in a digital economy: user data. But companies don’t own this asset. User data is borrowed, so it’s not yours to lose. How then do you safeguard it for your users?

10 Key Elements of Cybersecurity Explained

Entrepreneurs have to consider a range of matters when starting a new business, from finding suitable premises to recruiting staff. You may find it challenging at times to keep up with everything as you try to get it all settled.  Whatever else you are doing, one thing you should not overlook is cybersecurity.  Cybersecurity and […]